Tomorrow Never Comes
This story is also very old. I heard this story in my childhood. You must have heard this story sometime, somewhere.In a farmer's field, a bird made its nest and laid eggs. When small chicks came out of it, the bird left the chickens alone and went to take food for them. The bird used to worry about its children that, if someone harvested the crop, its children would be harmed. One day on his return, the children told that the farmer had come to see the crop and was saying that the crop had been ripened. Hearing this, the bird said, "No problem, the farmer will not reap the crop right now". Now he too was worried because the chicks were not so big that they could fly. Two days later, the children told that the farmer was saying today, he will send his neighbours to harvest. The bird knew that no one would come. But, two days later the children said that the farmer had come and said, "Now the crop is very ripe". Tomorrow we will send the brothers to bite. Hearing this, the bird said to keep practising flying because we have to leave this place within two to four days. But tomorrow his brother will not come to work. This time the farmer came and when he saw the crop, he said, "Now I have to reap, no one does any work. I have to do my work myself or else the crop will be spoiled". When the bird's children told this to the bird, she said that it is not right to stop here. The wings of his children had also grown a bit. She flew away with her children.
This thing seems very simple but if we look deeply it is true. Only when we are determined by our mind, words and actions can we complete a task. There is never any work with the desire to make someone else work. One has to do his own work. Expect colleagues to get work done for office work. Want to get family members to do their work at home. But, sometimes if someone else does our work, then in return something wants from us. And, never does that mental tension. One should always do his own work to avoid it.
When we think that this has to be done, then we are preparing ourselves mentally to work. When we speak in front of someone about doing our thought work, then the power of speech also gets added. In this way, the mind leads to thinking, and through its words, to do the work. Then the hard work that is done to complete the work is karma. Without him the mind and the word are meaningless. The main role plays karma. There are two lessons hidden in this story.
1.) If you look at the farmer, he said from the very first day that the crop is ripe. However, he did not want to work on his own. So dependent on neighbours and brothers became dependent. Due to which his work could not be completed on time and then his crop could also be spoiled. That is, to finish the work in time, instead of looking for someone, one should do it themselves.
2.) If you see it from the perspective of a bird, then in every situation you should decide with peace, understanding, and restraint. The bird understood from the farmer that he is lazy and wants to get his work done by others. Seeing all things, understanding and thinking, he decided to stay for a few more days. And made his children so big that they could all leave safely.
The idea of doing some work should be understood as soon as it comes to mind, the power of the mind is attached to that idea. You should think about how long it will take, how much money will be spent and whether to do it for pleasure or to get money. Then how much happiness or wealth will be received in return. Thoughtfully add the power of the word to it. That is, those who belong to you, are your well-wishers, close friends, relatives and tell them your thoughts. If you do not want to tell anyone, then whatever supreme power you believe, you should speak in front of the God you trust. So that the power of speech, speech, speech is also associated with that idea. After this, add your third and most important power - karma, hard work, because without it the work of mind and speech becomes useless. The main role is played by karma. For example, you start thinking in your mind that you have to clean the house, then, whatever you want to do, you start saying that cleaning is to be done. But, until you start work, thinking and speaking will be useless, and the dirt will keep increasing. From now on, make it a habit not to hang it for long. Try to meet the deadline as quickly as possible. Initially, it will take some time, then there will be practice to complete the work in time and all your work will be completed in time without any hindrance.
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