Tuesday, May 7, 2019

New Perspective and Steps towards Life

New Perspective and Steps towards Life

(हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे)

New Perspective and Steps towards Life

We are so stuck

in our beliefs towards life that we forget even a coin has a flip side. The thing that differs a positive person from a gloomy one is the perspective towards circumstances and life events. Life, in essence, means living which also includes good health. Everything that has happened in life is what causes stress and gives a variety of diseases. Let me elaborate with the help of an example

The Child Theory

A child who has not been introduced to the world of
corporate, or "real-life responsibilities" seems to do so fine. Child's health remains unaffected due to his/her carefree nature towards the circumstances. We should implement same carefree and jolly nature in our lives too.

New Perspective and Steps towards Life 

Today's life

has become so stressful and fast that its affecting our health adversely. Because of all the stress and tension, problems like insomnia, irregular palpitation, high blood pressure, dark circles, wrinkles. Since we are all aware of the problems and how tension can adversely affect our body and mind. Lets pledge to take control of our life and move forward with all the positivity and carefree attitude towards hard situations just like we used to do when we were young and free.

The Wolf Story

One story we all heard in childhood. There was a boy in a village. The villagers were afraid of the wolf. One day the boy pranked everyone by shouting that "the wolf came, the wolf is here". All came running rushing with weapons, the boy started laughing, all went back silently. Another day, he did the same thing that the wolf came and people came running again but there was no wolf. Now the boy started playing these games. But one day the wolf really came in, the boy yelled for help but no one came to help him. They boy should have taken the precaution while joking around. Same analogy could be used to understand that uninvited situations comes in life. In our life unexpected situations, tension, stress, worries and diseases are wolf which eventually will come and yet we choose to ignore them. When we could take precautions by following simple health routines in daily life. We can overcome every hurdle and adverse situations of life.

New Perspective and Steps towards Life 

By following these few useful strategies and having some patience, We can do wonders;

1) Be calm, don't lose temper in the heat of the moment.
2) Accept things the way they are
3) Learning from the battles of the past and prepare for tomorrow.
4) When things go south
  - Know that it's temporary and it will pass
  - Take a deep breath
  - Take a break from work
  - Talk to your friend
  - Know you are not alone
  - Laugh it off
5) Do these daily
  - Drink water
  - Eat your favorite food
  - Watch some movie/show with family/friends
  - Listen to soothing music
  - Meditate, Trāṭaka, Yoga or Dance
  - Use aroma or fragrance
  - Spend sometime with nature among flowers, trees, garden etc

So many health problems will be resolved and we will attain a new positive perspective towards life and situations, soon after following these steps.

 Be Happy, Stay Healthy, Stay Cheerful, Stay Productive


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