Have a little faith
Today, we talk about faith. We can get rid of or confront many issues, shortcomings and problems of life, through the stories we heard in our childhood.
There was a mountaineer. He climbed very high mountain because of which he became quite popular. People used to ask him if he is ever scared of falling from such height. He would laugh and reply that I believe in God very much that my Lord will not let anything bad happen to me.
One day he thought of climbing a mountain. But as soon as he started to leave his house, the
weather got bad. All of his neighbors and relatives asked him to stay put and not go for a climb as climbing in this weather can be dangerous. He did not listen to anyone and he got up to the top in the stormy winds, so he started to retreat, The dark stormy clouds started appearing. He started to hurry, while remember his Lord and enchanting his prayers, rushing down very carefully. Even though he lost his grip and his foot slipped. He started falling while calling God for help. He started hitting his hand around there to grab onto something. Luckily he grabbed a twig. As he was hanging on that twig, he started shouting and calling out god for help. Right after he stopped screaming to gasp for air, he heard a voice asking him to leave the twig and telling him that he will live only if he lose his hold of that twig. The man asked, who is speaking in the dark. He heard the same voice again telling him to leave the twig, otherwise it is difficult to survive in such storm. The man thought if he lose the twig, he will fall and die. The storm ended by the morning. Neighbors got worried and started search for the man, they found his body hanging on a branch with only four inches of distance from his feet to the ground.- Faith is something which gives strength to face bigger problems. High mountains can be conquered by having a little faith. But if you lose the faith then the distance of four inches starts to seem scary. When we could not sleep, then we take medicine for the sleep. If such measures are to be taken to sleep then we should have strong determination to look for natural ways to gradually become independent of the medicine addiction for sleep. Only then it will become a possibility.
- So the mindset is the first thing which should be strengthened
- The food should be eaten three hours before sleeping.
- The tomorrow's work notes should be pre-planned and created today.
- Keep the rooms clean, tidy and organised.
- Put pillow-covers and bedsheets of your favorite colors.
- Keep your room smelling fresh and nice by using subtle fragrance or aroma before going to bed. If you are allergic to any aroma, then do not use it.
- Play soothing music on very low volume.
- Keep Low/dim lights in the sleeping room
- Try reading a book or a few pages before going to bed.
- If you have a habit of watching television before sleeping then try to see some comedy shows.
- Go for a short and slow walk after dinner to sleep well.
- Start reducing tea and coffee intake. Get in touch with your physician/doctor and ask if you could drink green tea or green coffee.
- Get rid of all the distractions and clear your mind of all the worries before going to bed. It’s possible to get rest and sleep. Try to get rest and will eventually fell asleep. Have faith.
Improve your daily routine and Keep your mind calm and yourself happy, cheerful and enthusiastic. That is the secret of deep sleep.
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